Being alone is an interesting concept. On one hand, there are times when maybe we just want to “be alone” because it’s what we need at the time. Maybe there’s a lot going on, or things are just too chaotic and being alone is the best way we can work things out in our minds or sort out our thoughts. During times like this, being alone can be a very positive and productive thing. I know from personal experience that there have been times when having some time alone has helped me to see more clearly the answers I’m looking for. I used to be a runner and I remember the times I would be out there running by myself, I would do what I’d call my “best thinking” because I was alone, without any distractions. Some people will often go for a walk alone in an effort to clear their minds or to find answers. I think that for most people, having some “alone time” can be a good thing.
Then there are times when we may be faced with a situation in our lives and it seems no matter what we do, where we go or even who we talk to, nobody seems to have the answers or the right words, ideas, suggestions or solutions on how to make the situation better. That’s when we can also feel very lonely. It’s not there aren’t other people around, but that nobody seems to understand what we’re dealing with, and that can cause us to also feel like we’re all alone.
So why do we often feel like we’re all alone? What does it even mean? Well, the mere definition of alone is:
1. Separated from others
2. Exclusive of anyone or anything else
3. Considered without reference to any other
As someone who believes in what my faith tells me, I know that nobody is ever truly alone. Scriptures are filled with so much that reassures us of this. In particular Matthew 28:20, in which Jesus tells his disciples “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” That’s pretty comforting to know that he is with us always, no matter what. And most people know that even the name Emmanuelle means “God with us”. In other words, with an unbreakable bond, he is our constant companion. We couldn’t get away from him no matter how hard we tried, even if we wanted to, which sadly, some people do. Even if we were to turn our backs on him, he would stay with us through everything we do, both good and bad. That’s how much he wants to be with us and how much he wants us to be with him.
It’s not always easy to remember that God is with us all the time, and being humans we forget this because we can’t “see” him with us. I think this is why it’s important for us to have reminders around us. Things like small statues, or paintings, or holy cards, or books (you’re bible is out where it can be seen, right?). Even in our cars, where so many of us spend so much time, we should have things like visor clips, to visually remind us that he is with us. It’s one of the reasons I like to listen to Christian music, because hearing those beautiful songs with powerful lyrics also reminds me that I am not alone.
So what can we do when we are feeling alone or lonely? Besides going for a walk, or calling on a friend, simply...pray. I’m sure I’m not alone in this (pun definitely intended) it is something I know many people do. In fact, at any given time, if you go into any Catholic Church during a time when there isn’t a Mass or some kind of service happening at the moment, you’ll most likely see at least one person there, sitting in a pew or in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and probably praying. And if you just happen to be that one person who is sitting there alone in that big empty church, I can tell you from personal experience, it can be one of the most moving experiences you’ll ever have because it’s so intimate. It kind of goes back to the reference I made to that song at the beginning of this article. Like a couple wanting to have time alone because it’s so intimate, being alone with Jesus, one-on-one, can be much the same…intimate. I’ve mentioned this before, but when our church does it’s monthly 24-hour Adoration, I like to go late at night or even in the middle of the night so I can be there with Jesus alone. If you’ve never experienced it before, try it sometime. You might be tired the next day but I guarantee you won’t be sorry. Even Jesus would often have to be alone to pray. Mark 1:35 tells us; “Rising very early before dawn, he left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.”
So whether you want to be alone or not, let me leave you with one more verse to remind you that no matter what, we are never alone. From Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and steadfast; have no fear or dread of them, for it is the Lord, your God, who marches with you; he will never leave you or forsake you.
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